Plein-air Art-Zhyzhal‘12, Bobruisk/Арт-Жыжаль’12, Бобруйск

Here are some of my impressions about the plein-air “Art-Zhyzhal” in Belarus I participated in this summer.

The 10-th international plein-air “Art-Zhyzhal” took place on the picturesque bank of the Berezina’s river from 18 of July to 8 of August, 2012, near Bobruisk, Belarus. In this plein-air participated 25 ceramists from 9 countries: Belarus, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Ukraine and Venezuela.

The task for each participant was “The sculpture in the interior” that furthered to make a number of decorative compositions which are destined for children’s library after A.Gaydar, as a gift for the town Bobruisk.The conception of the design and entity of decorative earthenware was elaborated by the project director – Valeriy Kaltygin.

Art-Zhyzhal – is the distinctive union of personalities that quite difference in age and experience, professional skills, nationalities, temperaments and characters. So, this plein-air as well as all previous passed in the form of interchanged masterclasses between highly professional ceramists and the young that still begin their career of artists.

The beautiful view of the river we could observe each moment during three weeks…



There’s a unique place among pines. It was my long-standing dream to live for a short while in the wild wood. Unfortunately, I just didn’t expect such raid of furious mosquitos in the coniferous wood…)))

At least, a comfort camping site rescued that situation at night…


We had a large ground with three kilns for wood firing.





chopping and gathering the firewood…


Here is some material about our time spent on the plein-air.
















Even an extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela came to practice ceramics and painting!

As a result of the common work a traditional exhibition “By The Fire” (Кола Агню) was inaugurated.

In the long run of my story, I’ll make some conclusions.

Firstly, every moment of this plein-air I was full of pleasure (inspite of all angry mosquitos, some rain and wind)))!

Secondly, during the process of ceramic making, firing, I got new experiences, extensive knowledge of such techniques as reduction, cooking and fuming.

Thirdly, I’ve made acquaintances with great masters, ceramic and even musical experts (we had an opportunity to practice some flute and guitar music and to sing)! I hope such meeting made us good associates that helps us to collaborate, to share valuable experiences and favours mutual cultural enrichment.

Fourthly, I’ve practiced simultaneously some foreign languages.

Fifthly, I learned Belarus a little more and it’s beautiful language!

Finally, I’d like to congratulate the project director Valeriy Kaltygin and his wife Nataliya, and all the participants I’ve met: Valentina, Olga(Volga ), Aleg,  Maksim, Anton, Roza, Asya, Anya, Igor, Evgeniy and Anya, Tanya and Olga, Ramunye and Jurguita, Magda, Ilona, Axana and Gena, Rigo, Teymur and Anatoliy, Svetlana and Valentin. Thanks!!!

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